
I should be writing. Instead, I'm writing this section. This is about my cobbled-together religion.
I identify as Syncretic. What is that? Usually it's a descriptor for when religions adapt forms and practices from other religions, like when Muslims from the central asian steppes adapted aspects of their traditional sky worship, for example. In my case it's more of a statement of intent. I build my religion on a few axioms:

  1. God and the Spiritual World Exist
  2. The Spiritual World Exceeds the Material
  3. As the Human Mind Struggles to Conceive of the Material World, it Finds it Impossible to Grasp the Spiritual
  4. Every Good Faith Religious Practice in History has been a Glimpse into the Spiritual

So I wander between religious practices, stealing their gods and ideas, and trying to cobble together an understanding of God. This section will have something approximating my small understanding.

Why I Call Myself Syncretic (CW: Transphobia, Suicide Attempt, Christian Trauma)
What I Actually Believe, As of Time of Writing